**Update** Well it was a LONG day for everyone, but SO much got accomplished! Mamaw Nia (my mom, "mamaw" to the Weedlings) was doing really great when we got there about 11:15, but by about noon she had lapsed into another mini-seizure :(. After taking a nap for a couple of hours, she was able to get up and visit a bit, but was not herself for the rest of the day. We can't wait for her to be able to get to the Mayo Clinic and hopefully get some answers and some remedy to what ails her (which we don't know what that is exactly).
The coop is over 1/2 way done! Hayseed went against his initial feelings and helped out a TON...him, Yarrow & Wild Onion were right hand men to Uncle JoeJak who was the great builder of the coop that The Corner Lot built! It is a sweet not-quite-little barn shaped coop for 10-15 chickens, and will have wheels so it can be moved from place to place here on The Dandelion Acre. We still have to seal & paint it, chink the gaps, get the doors on & make the ladder & the run, but you can definitely tell it is almost a coop! It is scary to think about my 16 babies being outside by themselves though :'(, such a bittersweet thought (since they are getting big enough now that we would have to change the brooder bedding 3 times a day to keep all smell away lol). I will post progression photos hopefully tomorrow! The chicks got to check it out this evening when we got home...they actually all went to The Corner Lot (my mom's house) with us today, but had to stay in the dog crate because of loose dogs & cats in the town where TCL is. They loved it, until we moved over to the swing and started sanding it and they realized we weren't right there hovering over them, then they wanted to be over with us.
For my one follower, I love ya girl! For any stray readers who happen to trip on this post, WELCOME!